14  Tools for Working with Survey Data

14.1 Goals

  • What are surveys and what are they good for?
  • It’s important to know who is and isn’t in your survey.
  • Become familiar with some of the challenges of working with survey data.
  • Introduce tools from {socsci} to make working with survey data easier.
  • Exercise judgment in how you clean up survey data with respect to later data visualization choices.

Tools we’ll use in this session:


14.2 We use surveys to learn about populations

How do we come up with an estimate for who will win the U.S. Presidential election? How do we gauge public opinion on the use of military force or foreign aid? How do we figure out the relationship between socioeconomic background and political attitudes and behaviors?

The most straightforward way to answer these questions is to conduct a survey. The idea is that by asking a bunch of people what they think, feel, or do, we can draw more informed conclusions about the social and political landscape.

However, (1) we have to be careful about whom we survey, and (2) we have to be careful to ensure we ask people questions in the right way. If we aren’t careful about 1, we may not be able to generalize from the group of people we surveyed to the broader population. And if we aren’t careful about 2, we may not be able to trust the responses of the people we surveyed.

Both of these considerations deal with two different kinds of bias, respectively:

  • sampling bias
  • social desirability bias

To understand why the first kind of bias is problematic, we need to think in terms of probability and statistics. Let’s imagine that we have a population of 1,000 individuals and we want to gauge their level of support/opposition to mandatory vaccinations against COVID-19. However, suppose that due to budgetary or logistical barriers, we can only ask 100 people about their attitudes. How can we be sure that the 100 people we survey will give us a good representation of what all 1,000 people in the population think?

The solution is to pick the 100 that we survey at random. This ensures that the attitudes of the sample we survey are, in expectation, equal to the attitudes of the population. The key thing to remember here is the “in expectation” part of the previous sentence. While we cannot guarantee that any one random sample’s attitudes match those of the general population, if we were to repeatedly draw random samples of individuals to survey from the population, the average of the sample estimates will converge toward the true population mean.

Say out of the 1,000 people in the population, 500 support mandatory vaccinations. That means the true population level of support is 50%. If we draw a random sample from this population and ask them their attitudes, on average we’d expect that a similar 50% in the sample support mandatory vaccinations as well. Though this is not guaranteed to be true for each and every possible random sample from the population, if we could repeatedly draw random samples, on average attitudes would clock in at 50%.

The below figure shows the results from a simple simulation to show this is the case. I programmed R to give me a population of 1,000 individuals where 500 support mandatory vaccinations and the rest don’t. Then, I had it repeatedly draw samples of 100 individuals from the population and tally up the share of individuals in the samples that support mandatory vaccinations. The figure shows the distribution of estimates I got from repeating this procedure 10,000 times. As you can see, the range of support indicated by individual surveys varies substantially. While many provide estimates close to the true population’s actual level of support, some fall below 40% and some above 60%. Even so, the greatest density of estimates cluster around the true level of support in the population.

## create a "population" with 50/50 attitudes on COVID vax:
p <- rep(0:1, each = 500)

## sample 100 individuals from the pop. 1,000 x and compute support:
  its = 1:10000,
  phat = map(its, ~ sample(p, 100) |> mean()) |>
) |> ## give the output to ggplot()
  ggplot() +
    x = phat
  ) +
    label = "Density of Estimates",
    hjust = 0.3,
    vjust = -0.5
  ) +
    aes(y = 0),
    color = "blue",
    alpha = 0.03
  ) +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    breaks = NULL
  ) +
    xintercept = 0.5,
    label = "True Support in the\nPopulation",
    color = "gray30",
    linetype = 2,
    vjust = 1.1
  ) +
    x = "Range of estimates in support of COVID-19 vaccines",
    y = NULL,
    title = "On average, surveys of random samples should\nconverge on the truth",
    subtitle = "Distribution of 10,000 simulated draws from a hypothetical population"

The main point to remember is that surveys of random samples from a population, while still subject to error, are one of the best social science tools we have for making population inferences. However, many surveys we see “in the wild” often are not based on random samples. A good example is Fox survey of their viewership asking them about their evaluation of the current sitting President’s performance on issue X. The results from these surveys often wildly diverge from attitudes in the broader American electorate because the average Fox viewer is not representative of the average American. Polls on social media are another common example. Consider the following Twitter poll by Lou Dobbs when he was an anchor on Fox News Business. Based on the wording of this poll and hashtags included, can you guess what demographic is most apt to see and respond to this question? (Hint: It’s probably mostly a right-leaning, Republican audience.)

These surveys can still be useful, because they tells us something about how a certain demographic things, their attitudes, and their behaviors. But it is critical that we be aware of the limitations of these kinds of surveys, too. While the above example tells us something useful about viewers of Lou Dobbs, it doesn’t give us a good sense of the attitudes of the broader public.

In addition to considering who is surveyed and what the process of selecting people to survey was, we also have to think carefully about the specific questions that people are asked. If a question is poorly worded, it can cause confusion. There are also some questions that, even if they are clear and easy to understand, may still yield responses that we can’t fully trust. When the latter problem is the case, the usual culprit is social desirability bias.

People make errors when they take surveys all the time. Maybe they’re in a hurry or misunderstand a question or two, so they provide an answer that doesn’t actually align with what they think. We have a term for this: “noise.” But sometimes when someone’s answer doesn’t align with their actual attitudes it’s no accident; the respondent lied. This happens if people try to give you the answer that they think is the “right” answer rather than their honest opinion. There is a lot of research out there on this problem. Everything from the identity of the person giving a survey, to whether it’s done online or over the phone can lead people to give different answers to otherwise similar questions.

To avoid this problem, it’s important to think about how you ask people questions. This is especially true when asking people about polarizing issues where they may feel a sense of peer pressure to answer in a certain way. This can pose a serious challenge to inference. Say we wanted to measure something like a person’s level of racism. You can’t just ask in a survey, “how racist would you say you are on a scale from 0 to 10?” People won’t answer that question honestly. In cases like this, social scientists have come up with a number of indirect ways to measure racism without asking people directly.

Two approaches we can use when we think people might lie or give unreliable answers on surveys are (1) survey experiments and (2) creation of indexes. For 1, social scientists might think of two or more ways of asking a question and then randomly assign these alternative ways of asking the question to the people surveyed. If they find systematically different kinds of responses depending on the question wording, then this can both serve as evidence of social desirability bias and be leveraged as a means to identifying a more authentic estimate of how individuals really feel in the population.

Approach 2 involves asking individuals a battery of questions that, individually, are only indirectly related to the attitude you want to measure. However, when put together, the questions help you triangulate attitudes (such as racism) that are otherwise impossible to measure with one straightforward question.

We’ll talk more about index construction in bit. But first, let’s take a look at some actual survey data.

14.3 What survey data usually looks like

Survey data usually looks like this:

cces <- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ryanburge/cces/master/CCES%20for%20Methods/small_cces.csv")
# A tibble: 64,600 × 33
    ...1    X1       id state birthyr gender  educ  race marital natecon mymoney
   <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1     1     1   2.22e8    33    1969      2     2     1       1       3       2
 2     2     2   2.74e8    22    1994      2     2     1       5       4       3
 3     3     3   2.84e8    29    1964      2     2     2       5       5       2
 4     4     4   2.88e8     1    1988      2     2     2       5       4       4
 5     5     5   2.90e8     8    1982      2     5     1       1       2       2
 6     6     6   2.91e8     1    1963      2     2     6       4       4       4
 7     7     7   2.93e8    48    1962      1     2     1       2       3       3
 8     8     8   2.95e8    42    1991      2     1     1       2       5       5
 9     9     9   2.96e8    13    1963      1     2     1       1       4       4
10    10    10   2.96e8    42    1957      2     2     1       1       5       3
# ℹ 64,590 more rows
# ℹ 22 more variables: econfuture <dbl>, police <dbl>, background <dbl>,
#   registry <dbl>, assaultban <dbl>, conceal <dbl>, pathway <dbl>,
#   border <dbl>, dreamer <dbl>, deport <dbl>, prochoice <dbl>, prolife <dbl>,
#   gaym <dbl>, employ <dbl>, pid7 <dbl>, attend <dbl>, religion <dbl>,
#   vote16 <dbl>, ideo5 <dbl>, union <dbl>, income <dbl>, sexuality <dbl>

Any clues what the values for each of the variables are supposed to mean? It isn’t obvious at first glance. Most survey datasets use special numeric codes that correspond with specific responses to different questions. The data is saved in this way because many question responses can be long-winded, and if the data were saved using those long-winded responses, it would eat up a lot memory.

As a way to save space, either on a computer or database, survey researchers will save the output from surveys using numerical codes and then create a codebook that they or others can use to convert the numerical codes back to their original meaning for analysis.

The below section walks through some examples of how to implement these recodes.

14.4 Recoding Variables and Visualizing with {socsci}

The {socsci} R package provides some helpful tools for cleaning and then summarizing survey data prior to data visualization. The workhorse function in {socsci}, and my main favorite reason for using it, is the frcode() function. This function let’s us easily create new ordered categorical variables in a really intuitive fashion. It involves some extra syntax, but once you understand the logic, it gives you a lot of power to make customized ordered factors for use in your data viz. It works similarly to case_when(), but it’s designed specifically to return a vector of data that is an ordered category.

Consider the following code. It uses frcode() to convert the numerical codes for the race column in the dataset to meaningful values. Note that you’re not supposed to be able to know that these numbers correspond to these values. I know that this is what these numbers mean from the codebook for this data, which we’re going to bracket for now. Just trust me that these are the right corresponding values.

cces <- cces |> 
    race2 = frcode(
      race == 1 ~ "White",
      race == 2 ~ "Black", 
      race == 3 ~ "Hispanic",
      race == 4 ~ "Asian"

One tool at our disposal to quickly glimpse at how certain responses in the survey are distributed is the table() function. We can quickly use check the counts of observations across these newly coded categories:


   White    Black Hispanic    Asian 
   46289     7926     5238     2278 

Notice the order that the counts appear in. Normally, R would return the counts based on alphabetical ordering using table(), but since race2 is an ordered categorical variable, it returns the output based on the ordering of the categories. Importantly, this ordering is determined by the order in which the recodes are specified in frcode().

{socsci} has some other helpful functions, too, like ct(). This function is very similar to another function from {dplyr} called count(). The count function works a lot like table() but it returns output as a data frame rather than just a vector:

cces |>
# A tibble: 5 × 2
  race2        n
  <fct>    <int>
1 White    46289
2 Black     7926
3 Hispanic  5238
4 Asian     2278
5 <NA>      2869

The ct() function from {socsci} goes a step further and includes a column of proportions next to the column of counts:

cces |>
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  race2        n   pct
  <fct>    <int> <dbl>
1 White    46289 0.717
2 Black     7926 0.123
3 Hispanic  5238 0.081
4 Asian     2278 0.035
5 <NA>      2869 0.044

Also, unlike count(), we can tell it to drop observations where we don’t have a valid response for race:

cces |>
  ct(race2, show_na = F)
# A tibble: 4 × 3
  race2        n   pct
  <fct>    <int> <dbl>
1 White    46289 0.75 
2 Black     7926 0.128
3 Hispanic  5238 0.085
4 Asian     2278 0.037

The syntax with frcode() goes like so: logical condition ~ what to do.

In that first line in frcode() above, the syntax race == 1 ~ "White" literally means that when values in the race column equal 1, the category that should be returned is “White”.

By default, frcode() returns a categorical variable that is ordered based on the order in which the categories were specified. For a variable like race, ordering isn’t really necessary. However, for a variable like partisan leaning, ordering is extremely important.

Consider the following example:

cces <- cces |> 
    pid_new = frcode(
      pid7 == 1 ~ "Strong Dem.", 
      pid7 == 2 ~ "Dem.", 
      pid7 == 3 ~ "Lean Dem.", 
      pid7 == 4 ~ "Independent", 
      pid7 == 5 ~ "Lean Rep.", 
      pid7 == 6 ~ "Rep.", 
      pid7 == 7 ~ "Strong Rep."

The above code creates a column called pid_new which has 7 ordered categories. This ordering comes in handy for data visualization. Say we wanted to show the distribution of partisan lean. Using pid_new we can create a data visualization like the following, using ct() along the way:

cces |>
  ct(pid_new) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = pid_new, y = pct) +
  geom_col() +
    x = "Partisanship",
    y = "Proportion of Sample"
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Notice from the above that there’s an NA value shown, too. If there are any remaining rows in the data that don’t have a relevant category, frcode() automatically returns an NA for those rows.

If we want to drop those values in our visualization, we can just update the code like so:

cces |>
  ct(pid_new, show_na = F) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = pid_new, y = pct) +
  geom_col() +
    x = "Partisanship",
    y = "Proportion of Sample"
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Notice that the proportions are now different. It’s because the NA category is now being dropped before proportions are computed.

If we wanted those NA values to be coded as something else, we can just use an additional command:

cces <- cces |> 
    pid_new = frcode(
      pid7 == 1 ~ "Strong Dem.", 
      pid7 == 2 ~ "Dem.", 
      pid7 == 3 ~ "Lean Dem.", 
      pid7 == 4 ~ "Independent", 
      pid7 == 5 ~ "Lean Rep.", 
      pid7 == 6 ~ "Rep.", 
      pid7 == 7 ~ "Strong Rep.", 
      TRUE ~ "All Others"

The final line that reads TRUE ~ "All Others" literally means, for anything else not specified, make the category “All Others”.

Now when we plot the data, it looks like this:

cces |>
  ct(pid_new, show_na = F) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = pid_new, y = pct) +
  geom_col() +
    x = "Partisanship",
    y = "Proportion of Sample"
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))

Without using frcode() (say we used case_when() instead), the values on the x-axis would appear in alphabetical order rather than the order based on political ideology. This makes plotting the data so much easier.

14.5 Other useful recode tools

14.5.1 ifelse()

For some binary outcomes, we may not need to use frcode(). Gender for example is a binary category in the CCES data. We can recode it like so:

cces <- cces |>
  mutate(gender2 = ifelse(gender == 1, "Male", "Female"))

ifelse() is a simple function that returns one outcome if a logical condition is met, otherwise it returns an alternative outcome. In the above, the syntax ifelse(gender == 1, "Male", "Female") means if the gender numerical code is 1, return the category “Male”, otherwise return the category “Female”.

14.5.2 Numerical operations

Not all numerical survey variable values correspond to non-numeric categories. Some variables like age may just correspond to their actual numeric amounts. In this case, we may be fine leaving them as-is. But sometimes researchers prefer to lump these kinds of variables into larger discrete buckets. For example, we may not care so much about the differences in attitudes or behaviors for individuals that are 44 versus 45, but we may care about these differences for individuals that are in their 30s versus their 40s.

First, we need to create an age column. The CCES data doesn’t actually have a column for age. Instead, it has a column for birth year. This can be easily converted to age by simply subtracting birth year from the year the survey was done (in this case, 2016).

cces <- cces |>
  mutate(age = 2016 - birthyr)

Next, we can turn this numerical variable into a more discrete outcome. Before we do this, we need to first think about what kind or class of variable we want to use. Sometimes, we may want the new variable to be an ordered category rather than numerical:

cces <- cces |>
    agecat = frcode(
      age < 25 ~ "18-24",
      between(age, 25, 29) ~ "25-29",
      between(age, 30, 39) ~ "30s",
      between(age, 40, 49) ~ "40s",
      between(age, 50, 59) ~ "50s",
      between(age, 60, 69) ~ "60s",
      age > 69 ~ "70+"

Alternatively, we could make a numerical category by decade:

cces <- cces |>
  mutate(agedecade = floor(age/10)*10)

# minor fix to ensure that we're clear that people < 20 are 18+
cces$agedecade[cces$age < 20] <- 18

Let’s check the age columns side-by-side to see how they turned out:

cces |>
  select(age, agecat, agedecade)
# A tibble: 64,600 × 3
     age agecat agedecade
   <dbl> <fct>      <dbl>
 1    47 40s           40
 2    22 18-24         20
 3    52 50s           50
 4    28 25-29         20
 5    34 30s           30
 6    53 50s           50
 7    54 50s           50
 8    25 25-29         20
 9    53 50s           50
10    59 50s           50
# ℹ 64,590 more rows

With any one of these variables, we can summarize differences in attitudes (say political ideology). For example, let’s consider how age relates to how strongly Republican individuals identify.

Using the numerical version of the data, we can do something like this:

  diverging = c("steelblue", "gray", "red3")
cces |>
  filter(age < 98, pid_new != "All Others") |>
  group_by(age) |>
  ct(pid_new, show_na = F) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = age, y = pct, color = pid_new) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.5) +
  geom_smooth(se = F) +
  facet_wrap(~ pid_new, ncol = 7) +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    x = "Age",
    y = "Share of Respondents"
  ) +
    type = "diverging",
    ordinal = T,
    levels = 7
  ) +
    legend.position = "none"

Using categories:

cces |>
  filter(pid_new != "All Others") |>
  group_by(agecat) |>
  ct(pid_new, show_na = F) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = agecat, y = pct, fill = pid_new) +
    color = "black"
  ) +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    x = "Age",
    y = "Share of Respondents",
    fill = NULL
  ) +
    type = "diverging",
    aes = "fill",
    ordinal = T,
    levels = 7

14.6 Recode with your visualizations in mind

It’s always important to think about how you want to visualize your data as you make your recodes.

The three different age columns make it possible to do a few different kinds of visualizations. Let’s create an outcome variable that we’ll use age to explain. The column prolife is a binary outcome indicating support (or no support) for the idea that abortions should be illegal in all circumstances:

cces <- cces |>
  mutate(prolife2 = case_when(
    prolife == 1 ~ 1,
    prolife == 2 ~ 0

In the above, I used case_when() which is more general than frcode() since its output can be normal unordered categories or also numerical. Like frcode(), anything remaining that isn’t specified gets converted to NA. In this case, the code 1 indicates support for making abortion always illegal and 2 indicates a respondent doesn’t support that idea. There are also two remaining possible categories, 8 and 9, that correspond to “don’t know” or missing responses. So that we don’t accidentally lump these in with support or lack of support, we’ll use case_when() rather than ifelse().

With our our numerical age data, we can use a scatter plot with a smoother to show how age explains prolife attitudes. In creating the figure, I’m going to use another {socsci} function. This one is called mean_ci(). As the name implies, it returns the mean of some variable, but what’s special about it is that it is set up to work with the {dplyr} workflow. For example, I can use a group_by() before I give data to mean_ci() as I do in the below code to show how attitudes toward abortion vary by age:

cces |>
  group_by(age) |>
  mean_ci(prolife2) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = age, 
      y = mean) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +
  geom_smooth(se = F) +
    breaks = seq(20, 100, by = 10)
  ) +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    x = "Age",
    y = "(%) Support",
    title = "Support for making abortion always illegal by age"

We could also use decades. Notice something else I do in the below code, too. mean_ci() doesn’t just return the mean of the variable you give it. It also returns 95% confidence intervals. These are often important to show with survey data if our goal is to make inferences to a population. Remember how individual surveys (even if they are random) can still be off from what’s true in the general population? This random deviation means that our survey estimates are subject to a margin of error. Confidence intervals help us to summarize how wide this margin of error is.

cces |>
  group_by(agedecade) |>
  mean_ci(prolife2) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = agedecade,
      y = mean,
      ymin = lower,
      ymax = upper) +
  geom_pointrange() +
  geom_line() +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    x = "Age",
    y = "(%) Support",
    title = "Support for making abortion always illegal by age"

In the above, we can see that the margin of error is quite larger among the oldest individuals who took the survey. The reason is pretty simple. Not very many people in the survey are in their 90s.

Finally, we could show this relationship using a column plot and the categorical age variable:

cces |>
  group_by(agecat) |>
  mean_ci(prolife2) |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = agecat,
      y = mean,
      ymin = lower,
      ymax = upper) +
    aes(fill = mean),
    show.legend = F
  ) +
    width = 0.2
  ) +
    labels = scales::percent
  ) +
    x = "Age",
    y = "(%) Support",
    title = "Support for making abortion always illegal by age"
  ) +
    type = "sequential",
    aes = "fill"

Again, the above uses mean_ci so that we can show the confidence intervals alongside the mean.

14.7 Conclusion

Surveys are great for uncovering attitudes and having informed discussions about political behavior. However, to ensure we are on solid footing, we need to think carefully about who was and wasn’t included in our survey and why. We also need to think about how people were asked questions and whether we feel we can trust their responses to actually reflect survey respondent attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.

When it comes to analyzing survey data, we have a lot of tools available to us in R, and we talked about some of these tools above. There are many more tools out there as well, and in comming chapters we’ll consider some more complex examples.